Cave Diving
All About Cave Diving
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Scuba Diving,
Underwater Sports,
Water Sports
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Cave Diving Organizations
Australia Cave Divers Association
An cave diving advocacy organization formed in 1973
to support and and promote safe cave diving in Australia.
Includes a list of Australian cave diving sites,
a photo gallery, instructor directory, and general
information about cave diving in Australia.
Mexico Profundo
The full name of this organization is
“El Proyecto de Buceo Espeleologico Mexico y America Central”.
It was founded in 1982 to advance knowledge about the water filled
caves and related features in Mexico and Central America.
Great Britain Cave Diving Group
Articles and information about
cave-diving in the United Kingdom.
Also includes photos,
a history of the group,
news, diving conditions, and contacts.
Rob Palmer Blue Hole Foundation
Organization decicated to scientific and physical exploration
of water filled caves within the Bahamas and the environment
surrounding those caves.
U.S. National Association for Cave Diving
United States organization founded in 1968 to achieve
safer cave diving through training, education, exploration,
and research. They also establish and maintain physical and
psychological guidelines and standards for equipment and techniques.
U.S. National Speleological Society: Cave Diving
Official Web site of the cave diving section of the
USA-based National Speleological Society.
More Cave Diving Resources
Cave Diving Dot Com
A web site produced by Florida cave diving instructor
Johnny Richards, with an introduction to cave diving,
cave diving spots, tutorials, safety guidelines,
and information about cave diving lessons and trips.
Cave Diving Tours and Training
BOTW Directory of Cave Diving Tours and Training
Open Directory of Cave Diving Web Sites
More Cave Diving Web Sites
Cave Diver’s Forum
Cave Diving Dot GR
European Karst Plain Project
Grupo de Exploracion Ox Bel Ha
Local Gringo Cave Diving Safety and Exploration
Quintana Roo Speleological Survey
North Florida Cave and Technical Divers
Directories of Cave Diving Web Sites
BOTW Directory of Cave Diving Web Sites
Open Directory of Cave Diving Tours and Training
Yahoo Directory of Cave Diving Web Sites
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