Skeet Shooting
All About Skeet Shooting
skeet shooting Web sites on the Internet
Skeet shooting a game where targets are tossed in the air
and shot at in a marksmanship competition.
Sometimes the sport of skeet shooting will
be referred to as clay shooting or clay pigeon shooting because
skeet shooting targets are sometimes called clay pigeons.
See also
Target Sports,
Shooting Sports

Wikipedia Introduction to Skeet Shooting
Article with general information about skeet shooting and the sport’s
history, general principles, Olympic skeet shooting, and
types of skeet shooting in the United Kingdomd and the United States.
Belgium Skeet Shooting
Belgian Clayshooting Federation
National governing body for the sport of
clay shooting in Belgium. Site includes Belgian
clay shooting events, results, and news.
United Kingdom Skeet Shooting
Beginner’s Guide to Clay Shooting
An introductory guide to the British clay shooting disciplines
of English Sporting, English Skeet, Down-The-Line,
Compak Sporting, Olympic Trench, and FITASC.
United States Skeet Shooting
U.S. National Skeet Shooting Association
Includes rules for skeet shooting competitions,
clubs, instructors, a database of events, and a forum
for sheet shooting discussions.
More Skeet Shooting Resources
Directories of Skeet Shooting Resources
Open Directory of Shooting Clays Web Sites
Yahoo Directory of Skeet Shooting Web Sites
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