All About Rowing
essential rowing resources on the Internet.
See also other types of
Boating Sports
and other
Water Sports.

Rowing for Beginners
Includes several introductions to the sport of rowing,
rowing science, videos for beginning rowers,
rowing technique articles, and more information
for beginning rowers.
Rowing Organizations World Wide
Information about international, national, and regional
rowing organizations in many different parts of the world.
Includes the official national rowing
federations recognized by the International Rowing Federation and
the International Olympic Committee. Also includes local
rowing clubs.
Rowing Venues World Wide
Where to find rowing centers, lake rowing sites,
river rowing sites, ocean rowing sites and other
places to row around the world.
Rowing Web Sites
Organization recognized by the International Olympic
Committee as the international governing body for the sport
of competitive rowing.
Rowing Equipment
Information about rowing boats, other essential equipment,
and rowing accessories.
Rowing Events
Information about rowing competitions, rowing series,
and other rowing events.
Rowing Training
Information about rowing for physical fitness and
training to row cometitively or reecreationally.
History of Rowing
Information about a rowing museum in the United Kingdom
and several articles about the history of rowing.
Types of Rowing
About Indoor Rowing
BOTW Directory of Indoor Rowing Web Sites
BOTW Directory of Ocean Rowing Web Sites
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