Rink Hockey
All About Rink Hockey
rink hockey Web sites on the Internet. Rink hockey is also known as
hardball hockey, rink roller hockey, and sometimes quad roller hockey
because it is most often played on quad roller skates.
See also
Roller Sports,
Hockey Sports,

Copyright ©
Gordon Morrisson
Names by Which the Sport is Known
Ball and cane hockey, ball hockey, hardball hockey, hockey pista,
hockey skids, hockey sobre patines, hoquei em patins, hoquei sobre patins,
hockey su pista. international hockey, quad hockey, quad skate hockey,
international style ball hockey, rink hockey, rolhockey roller hockey,
rollhockey, and traditional roller hockey.
Wikipedia Introduction to Hardball Hockey
An introduction to the sport of hardball hockey,
including information about how the game
is played, the rink layout, and required equipment.
Inline Hockey vs. Hardball Hockey
The differences and similarities between
these two forms of roller hockey.
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