Pole Vaulting

All About Pole Vaulting

A general introduction to the sport of pole vaulting and where to find
pole vaulting Web sites on the Internet.
See also more about




Pole Vaulting

Wikipedia Introduction to Pole Vault

A description of pole vaulting,
history of the sport, modern pole vaulting,
and a sequence of photos of a pole vaulting jump.


Articles, photos, and general information about pole vaulting
by 1972 Olympic medalist Jan Johnson.

Pole Vault Power

Photos and video clips of pole vaulting events,
pole vaulting information for each of the 50
United States, and a forum for pole vaulting discussions.

The Pole Vault Pit

Articles, photos and news submitted by visitors to this
Web site and a forum for pole vaulting discussions.

Pole Vault Safety Web Site

A safety checklist for pole vaulting facilities and
recommended safety accessories for pole vaulters.

Pole Vault Safety Certification Board

An organization formed to provide information and
testing for the certification of pole vaulters
and pole vaulting coaches.

Directories of Pole Vaulting Resources

Open Directory of Pole Vault Web Sites

Yahoo Directory of Pole Vault Web Sites

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