All About Orienteering
orienteering resources on the Internet
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Wikipedia Introduction to Orienteering
Article with information about orienteering organizations,
terminology, history, competitions, orienteering and
the Olympics, and related sports.
International Orienteering Federation
World governing body for the sport of orienteering.
Includes news, an event calendar, a list of national federations,
and information about the four orienteering disciplines:
Trail Orienteering, Foot Orienteering, Mountain
Bike Orienteering, and Ski Orienteering.
British Orienteering Federation
National governing body for the sport
of orienteering in the United Kingdom.
Site includes news, events, clubs, history,
and coaching certification information.
United States Orienteering Federation
National governing body for orienteering
in the United States. Site includes clubs, event
calendar, event results, and information
about U.S. National Orienteering Day.
Other National Orienteering Federations
Wikipedia Category with information about the orienteering
federations of countries on all five continents.
4 Orienteering Web Site
An overview of orienteering, a history of the sport,
how to set up a course, orienteering techniques,
and the skills and tools required to participate
in the sport.
Orienteering Online Web Site
Articles and news about orienteering.
Orienteering Web Sites Directories
Open Directory of Orienteering Web Sites
Yahoo Directory of Orienteering Web Sites
World of “O” Directory of Orienteering Web Sites
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