All About Javelin Tossing
javelin tossing Web sites on the Internet.
See also other
Throwing Sports
more about

Javelin Aerodynamics
A history of the development of the modern javelin
and what effect the design of the javelin has
on the duration of flight time.
Javelin History and Throw Techniques
The evolution of the javelin and introduction
to the Spanish javelin throwing technique.
Lanzamiento de la Jabalina
A Web site in Spanish and English with articles,
news, and information about the sport of javelin throwing.
BBC Javelin Introduction
A brief introduction to the sport
of javelin throwing, on the Web site
of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Global Javelin Net
Javelin throwing rules, records,
a photo gallery, animated video clips of
throwing sequences, and a forum.
Javelin World by Asko Koski
The world’s best men’s and women’s javelin throwing feats
since 1986. Also includes bios of top javelin athletes
and javelin resources on the Web.
Wikipedia on the Javelin Throw
Information about javelin competitions, rules,
equipment, history, world records, and the
top athletes in the sport.
JaveLand Shop
Jeff Gorski’s online shop sells
javelins, braces, and related videos,
training equipment, and clothing.
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