Fox Hunting

All About Fox Hunting

A general introduction to the sport of fox hunting and where to find
fox hunting resources on the Internet.
See also


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Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting Articles

Wikipedia Introduction to Fox Hunting

General information about the sport of
fox hunting and the controversy surrounding
the sport.

BBC “Fox Hunting Worldwide” Article

An article about fox hunting in countries
outside of Great Britain, from the
British Broadcasting Corporation.

Pro Fox Hunting Organizations

Masters of Foxhounds Association

Fox hunting governing body representing more then
180 packs of foxhounds hunting in England and Wales,
and Scotland.

Masters of Foxhounds Association of America

Organization established in 1907 as the
governing body of organized fox, coyote, other
“acceptable legal quarry and drag hunting”
in the United States and Canada.

Countryside Alliance

British organization created in 1997 to fight the
movement to ban hunting with dogs un the United Kingdom.
It is a coalition of three organizatoins,
the Countryside Business Group, the British Field Sports Society,
and the Countryside Movement.

Fox Hunting Laws and Controversy

BBC “The Ban on Hunting” In Depth Article

An article about fox hunting in countries
outside of Great Britain, from the
British Broadcasting Corporation.

Legislation on Hunting With Dogs

Wikipedia article about legislation related to hunting
with dogs in France, Germany, the Untied Kingdom,
and the United States.

United Kingdom Hunting Act of 2004

Wikipedia article about the Hunting Act of 2004 (c37),
an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom banning
the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales.
(does not cover drag hunting or the use of dogs to flush
out a mammal)

Scotland Protection of Wild Mammals Act of 2002

Wikipedia article about the Protection of Wild Mammals Act
passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2002. The act banned
traditional fox hunting and hare coursing.
(does not cover using dogs to flush out mammals
during gun hunts)

More Fox Hunting Resources

Open Directory of Fox Hunting Web Sites

Wikipedia “Fox Hunting” Category


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