Hula Hooping

All About Hula Hoop Spinning

A general introduction to hula hoop spinning and where to find
hula hoop resources on the Internet.
See also other

Backyard Games



Hula Hoop Spinning

Wikipedia Introduction to the Hula Hoop

Article with information about the origins of the hula hoop,
its modern history, the hula hoop in popular culture,
and hula hoop world records.

Weighted Hula Hoops: Good Idea or Fitness Fad?

Mayo Clinic by Dr. Edward Laskowski about
the use of weighted hula hoops for exercise
and developing physical fitness.

The Wham-O Hula Hoop

Official Web site of the original Wham-O Hula Hoop.

How the Modern Hula Hoop was Invented

The story of how Richard Knerr and Sped Melin
invented the hula hoop in 1957. From the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.

History of the Hula Hoop I

How the hula hoop eolved from the 14th century
to the 1960’s.

History of the Hula Hoop II

More about the history of the hula hoop, from
Idea Finder Dot Com.

Hooping Dot Org Web Site

Includes a description of hula hooping,
how to hula hoop,
how to make a hula hoop,
and frequently asked questions about hula hooping.

World Hoop Day

First Saturday of October.

Hula Hoop Artists

Nato Nikolaishvili, Hula Hoop Artist

Official We site of hula hoop spinning show and circus
performer Nato Nikolaishvili of Berlin, Germany.

Viktoria Lapidus, Hula Hoop Artist

Official Web site of hula hoop comedy and acrobatic act performer
Viktoria Lapidus of Hamburg, Germany.

Yahoo Directory of Hula Hoopers

More Hula Hooping Resources

Directories of Hula Hoop Resources

Open Directory of Hula Hooping Resources

Yahoo Directory of Hula Hooping Resources

Hula Hoop Suppliers

Lori Lynn Lomeli’s Hula Hoop Instructional Video

Hoop Appeal Shop

Yahoo Directory of Hula Hooping Suppliers

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